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How do you legalize a translation?

As of April 6, 2000 Contributor: L.J. La Brie

Document in another language into Romanian.

Document in another language into a language other than Romanian.

Document in Romanian into another language.

Legalizations of translations most likely can only be done in Bucuresti. This is done if you want a document from Romania recognized in another country.

1. First, the document must be translated by an interpreter recognized by the Justice Department. These people will have a rubber stamp which shows that they are recognized by the department and will have a number assigned to them.

2. After the document is translated, it must be taken to a notary who will attach a statement saying that the translator is recognized in Romania.

3. Then, take the document to the Ministry of Justice on Str. Apolodor nr. 17 by the Casa Poporului in Bucuresti. They will stamp the document saying that the notary is recognized.

4. Then, the document must be taken to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which stamps saying that the Ministry of Justice did what they were supposed to do.

5. Then, you go to the embassy where you want the document recognized and they will legalize it.

Document in another language intoRomanian.

To be legalized, this must be done in the foreign country issuing the document. The Ministry of Justice will not legalize documents not issued in Romania. The next best thing is that you can get a document translation and then get proof that the document was translated correctly.

To get proof of proper translation:

1. First, the document must be translated by an interpreter recognized by the Justice Department. These people will have a rubber stamp which shows that they are recognized by the department and will have a number assigned to them.

2. After the document is translated, it must be taken to a notary who will attach a statement saying that the translator is recognized in Romania.

3. The most potent evidence of proper translation is then to have the document stamped by the embassy where the document was issued.

Document in another language intoa language other than Romanian.

To be legalized, this must be done in the foreign country issuing the document. The Ministry of Justice will not legalize documents not issued in Romania. The next best thing is that you can get a document translation and then get proof that the document was translated correctly.

To get proof of proper translation:

1. First, the document must be translated into Romanian by an interpreter recognized by the Justice Department. These people will have a rubber stamp which shows that they are recognized by the department and will have a number assigned to them.

2. After the document is translated, it must be taken to a notary who will attach a statement saying that the translator is recognized in Romania.

3. The most potent evidence of proper translation is then to have the document stamped by the embassy where the document was issued.

4. Then find someone who can translate it into the third language and have them translate it.

5. After the document is translated, it must be taken to a notary who will attach a statement saying that the translator is recognized in Romania.

6. The most potent evidence of proper translation is then to have the document stamped by the embassy where you wish to send the document.


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