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Bible Clubs

April 27, 1998 was Easter in the churches of Romania. All week before this event, everywhere, the people remember the last week of the Lord Jesus Christ on Earth. In all the orphanages supported by Northwest Medical Teams, we had the opportunity to present again the Lord’s sufferings for of us including the children from the orphanages. To get the message across, we used the wonderful flash cards made by Beka Book of Pensacola. We put our hearts in this presentation, with the hope that many children would understand the Lord’s sacrifice for each of them.

Orphanage for Girls of Gaiesti.

The girls of this orphanage like so much to learn verses from Scripture. When we ask them to tell us the last verses we learned, they race to be the first to say the verse. The verse memorized in the Friday before Easter was from 1 Peter 2:24 “ Himself bore sins in His body on the tree that we having died to sin might live for righteousness - by whose stripes you were healed”. As a reward for their interest in Scripture, some them received a Bible. These Bibles were donated by the construction team who worked in the orphanage at Suta. When we ask them, “Which event impressed them most?’, we received different answers. Many were impressed by His crucifixion, others when He took the cross up the Mount of Golgotha and others, when He was whipped. We pray for them to understand His sufferings, and to make decision to follow Him.

Special School for Girls of Suta.

In these holidays, among the girls was a construction team of Northwest Medical Teams. We conducted two activities with them. First, the girls made “bracelets without words’, made of beads of various colors. When they put each bead on the cord, we explained the meaning of each color. These memories are sure to last a long time. The second activity was to put wool on lambs cut from cardboard. We asked them, ‘Why did we choose lambs?’ Their reply, “Because Lord Jesus is the Shepherd and we are the lambs!’ On the back of the lambs they had the verse of Isaiah 40:11, “He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with his arm and carry them in His bosom and gently lead those who are with young”. We remember too, He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

Special School for Boys of Targoviste.

The joy of these children is so great when they saw us at the gate of the school! They communicate very easy with the volunteers we have at the meetings discussing many ideas, and detaining them for hours with their questions. They are diligent with their lessons and understand the message of the Gospel even they are considered mentally slower than normal. They like to sing, with each having a favorite song. Many of them are singing with all their soul, faces shining. In this month we asked them too which of the events of the final days of Jesus life impressed them most. Many said the crucifixion, others said the washing of the disciples feet, and others said the testimony of the centurion. It is very difficult to leave the orphanage because they want to sing every single song they know--and believe me, there are many.

We continue to plan a day trip for the children in three months.

1997 Statistics:




Average Attendance
Gaiesti 3/3
Suta Dragodana 2/3
Targoviste 3/4
TOTAL 8/10

by Florian and Cati Ion

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